How Flow Can You Go

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.How Flow <b>Can You Go</b>.
How Flow Can You Go
Led by: Byron De Marse
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
30 Mins
All Levels

Moving in and out of the squat position as a way to activate the larger muscle groups, this is another breath-led flow that holds postures just the right amount of time, and leaves you wondering how the time flew by. During this class you can expect to move through high yogi squat, low yogi squat, standing wide straddle warrior 2, reverse triangle, single or double arm extended side anchor, lizard pose, and an optional arm balance. 2 blocks are suggested but optional for this practice.

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I never tire of your creative flows, they're the best! Thank you, Byron!
Maria Zoumpou
Just Byron, amazing sequences and stretches. i love all his classes. GRACIAS
Great class .. I loved! So much creative .. new and original movements and transitions for me. My body is lit thank you very much
This is a masterpiece. Thank you Byron, Namaste 🙏
Karina Korenblum
Thank you Byron! What a great class!
I did this with my daughter and it met both our need for a great exercise/movement class(her) and a wonderful yoga mindful movement class(me). I loved the sequencing and the quiet guidance. A perfect class!
Kathy Stanley
A great 30 minute flow for when you don't have an hour. Love Byron! He is so creative.
Siofra Collins
Beautiful, thank you so much Byron
I haven't done a class with Byron before and I am so glad I did. A thoroughly enjoyable practice with some poses I don't often do. Concise and clear instruction throughout. I'll definitely be back.
Really nice shorter practice ands some nice little diversions off some poses to keep it interesting. Thank you
Sheryl Lozano
i felt beautiful doing this flow while i was sweating buckets! loved it!
Love the flow :-)
Original and absolutely great practice, as always! Thank you so much🙏🏻
love your precise and calm instruction.
Kathleen Kitts-Struyk
A beautiful surprise! Amazing how much can be done in 30 minutes. A happy, calm, flow that builds up a sweat! Loved it.
How flow can you go was wonderful. I liked the creative flows which were not the flow I was used to. Great class from Byron as usual.