It’s Time

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. It’s <b>Time</b>.
It’s Time
Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
75 Mins
All Levels

In this final class of your 30-day journey we celebrate all you’ve accomplished both on the mat and off. As Lao Tzu wrote, “what the caterpillar calls the end, we call a butterfly” and you are ready to fly. For the next 75-minutes reap the benefits of all you have nurtured, cultivated and tended to over the past month through your dedication and discipline. You’ll move through Dancing Shiva and side plank variations in the power yoga portion followed by dragonfly pose, reclining hand to big toe and more in your final yin and restorative immersion.

For this practice you’ll need a strap, 2 yoga bolsters and one block.

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Physically - perfect for sore hips/glutes, Mentally - very relaxing and thought-provoking
Indu gowda
Simply beautiful practice! 😇