Building Blocks Pt. 2

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.Building Blocks Pt. 2<br/> <b>Twists</b>.
Building Blocks Pt. 2
Led by: Brent Laffoon
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
45 Mins

Building on the work of “Building Block, Pt. I”, this practice is designed to give you the tools to help you move in the direction of being able to accomplish a variety of challenging twists, including Marichyasana C & D, Bharadvajasana and Dwi Pada Koundinyasana.

** These classes are intended for advanced yogis who have experience with challenging poses and intense practice. If you engage in this class, you agree to do so voluntarily at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.

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Parsva Kukkutasana!!!!!! I'm pretty sure it was not intended as a pun in Sanskrit but ooh-la-la!!! It felt crazy difficult for my shoulders and elbows to perform!!! I am definitely going to practice my shoulder twists daily now, and Mula, Uddiyana, and even Jalandhara Bandha every day from today on!! At the very least, it'll help me wipe up sunscreen on my back this coming summer. Thanks for this practice B!
Trang Vo
It was wonderful practice! I love all your lessons! Thanks a lot! πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ
Felix Conrad
Great Practice, incredibly challenging and motivating to come back to master it. BTW it looks like youre aging, in the wrong direction.
I was a little intimidated by the warning at the beggining, but this, as always is a very well guided Brent practice. I love how he focus in one thing and explains every single detail. Yes, it can be challenging, but it is very instructive. I really hope you help us with more "Building Blocks". Thank you so much for this one
I feel inspired and encoureged. I did this with open heart and mind. Now i feel like 108 yo. Been noushious a little. And definitely looking for next parts of whatever Brent is up with. i will work to master this marichyasana practice. thank You very much. Now i am advanced :)
samanta carpeggiani
Thanks, Brent, for another challenging yet awesome class that allows us to dig further into some poses (in this case the twists). I love the fact that you always insist on "enjoying the process" which is vital in this complex moves. I see an extra milimiter in my twist like a great victory (I don't look at the centimeters I am missing ;-) , which are a lot!) and I am kind with my anatomy and my injuries. Every gain is a celebration, so thanks for taking us there. Namaste!
Pamela villarroel
excelente como siempre, aprendi cosas nuevas. Muchas gracias
Tanja Lakeit
Always a joy your sessions, difficult but instructive