The Long Road to Freedom
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The Long Road to Freedom
The Long Road to Freedom
Led by: Brent Laffoon
45 Mins
Strong Flow
The fourth practice of this series focuses on hip mobility, as well as flexibility in the hamstrings and adductors. Patience and determination are the name of the game as we work our way toward Visvamitrasana, a challenging arm balance named after a hot-tempered-king-turned-peaceful-sage.
This class is intended for advanced yogis who have experience with challenging poses and intense practice. If you engage in this class, you agree to do so voluntarily at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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Just amazing like all or them ! Thank you 😊
This one was amazing! I haven't done the practices in the presented order but this one for me is the best ))))) Thank you, Brent, for guiding us to safely explore the possibilities. Namaste.